My Cure for Insomnia

Posted by katie on September 30, 2012 in All Posts, Helpful Tips and Sleep Science |

On the Edge of the Dreamtime Ocean by Prairiekittin

I have this little prayer and ritual that I do every night just before I go to sleep.  I lay in my bed and do a few things to balance my body and go through a short mental intention to make sure I get the kind of sleep I want. Then I ask for something a little extra using more of my special Magic Nights words.

The problem is, on more nights than I would like to admit, I can’t even get through even half of it before falling asleep.  Sometimes I even feel that my brain just blocks me from continuing the thought.  “Enough” it will say, and just make me go to sleep without any agenda whatsoever.

This sleep-inducing protocol is the first part of the Magic Nights Technique:

  • I set the overall tone for the night with words like Love and Light.
  • I make sure everyone is safe and has a good time:                                             “According to Free Will and for the Good of All.”
  • I put on my Captain’s uniform:
  1. I do a mini cross-crawl exercise with my hands and feet to balance my right and left brain,
  2. activate each Chakra by putting my hands over it and running a little energy through it until it feels open and good, to balance my neurology more.
  3. I call forth my inner wisdom, divine essence and authentic self in harmony and wholeness.
  • I begin to invite my Magic Nights Crew…Z Z Z…

If I wake up in the middle of the night and realize I hadn’t gotten through my full Magic Nights intention, I just start again. This time, I usually can stay awake long enough to get through all of it.

But then, if I really, really can’t sleep even with the intention, I might drink some water then:

In either case, I will make sure to spend a little more time on my morning attention meditation.

I guess sometimes a girl just needs to just sleep.  And that’s OK.

Have a Magic Night!


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Copyright © 2011 by Katie Hawn, DC
Publisher: The Divine Creatives Group, LLC
PO Box 315
Lambertville, NJ 08530 USA art by Armor Keller